pnpm and rules_js

rules_js models dependency handling on pnpm. Our design goal is to closely mimic pnpm's behavior.

Our story begins when some non-Bazel-specific tool (typically pnpm) performs dependency resolutions and solves version constraints. It also determines how the node_modules tree will be structured for runtime. This information is encoded into a lockfile which is checked into the source repository.

The pnpm lockfile format includes all the information needed to define npm_import rules, allowing Bazel's downloader to do the fetches. This info includes the integrity hash, as calculated by the package manager, so that Bazel can guarantee supply-chain security.

Bazel will only fetch the packages which are required for the requested targets to be analyzed. Thus it is performant to convert a very large pnpm-lock.yaml file without concern for users needing to fetch many unnecessary packages. We have benchmarked this code with 800+ importers and ~15,000 npm packages to run in 3sec, when Bazel determines that an input changed.

While the npm_import rule can be used to bring individual packages into Bazel, most users will want to import their entire lockfile. The npm_translate_lock rule does this, and its operation is described below. You may wish to read the generated API documentation as well.

Using npm_translate_lock

In WORKSPACE, call the repository rule pointing to your pnpm-lock.yaml file:

load("@aspect_rules_js//npm:npm_import.bzl", "npm_translate_lock")

# Uses the pnpm-lock.yaml file to automate creation of npm_import rules
    # Creates a new repository named "@npm" - you could choose any name you like
    name = "npm",
    pnpm_lock = "//:pnpm-lock.yaml",
    # Recommended attribute that also checks the .bazelignore file
    verify_node_modules_ignored = "//:.bazelignore",

You can immediately load from the generated repositories.bzl file in WORKSPACE. This is similar to the pip_parse rule in rules_python for example. It has the advantage of also creating aliases for simpler dependencies that don't require spelling out the version of the packages.

# Following our example above, we named this "npm"
load("@npm//:repositories.bzl", "npm_repositories")


Note that you could call npm_translate_lock more than once, if you have more than one pnpm workspace in your Bazel workspace.

If you really don't want to rely on this being generated at runtime, we have experimental support to check in the result instead. See checked-in repositories.bzl below.


The node_modules tree laid out by rules_js should be bug-for-bug compatible with the node_modules tree that pnpm lays out, when hoisting is disabled.

To make the behavior outside of Bazel match, we recommend adding hoist=false to your .npmrc:

echo "hoist=false" >> .npmrc

This will prevent pnpm from creating a hidden node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules folder with hoisted dependencies which allows packages to depend on "phantom" undeclared dependencies. With hoisting disabled, most import/require failures (in type-checking or at runtime) in 3rd party npm packages when using rules_js will be reproducible with pnpm outside of Bazel.

rules_js does not and will not support pnpm "phantom" hoisting which allows for packages to depend on undeclared dependencies. All dependencies between packages must be declared under rules_js in order to support lazy fetching and lazy linking of npm dependencies.

If a 3rd party npm package is relying on "phantom" dependencies to work, the recommended fix for rules_js is to use pnpm.packageExtensions in your package.json to add the missing dependencies or peerDependencies. For example,

NB: We plan to add support for the .npmrc public-hoist-pattern setting to rules_js in a future release. For now, you can emulate public-hoist-pattern in rules_js using the public_hoist_packages attribute of npm_translate_lock.

Creating and the pnpm-lock.yaml file

Manual (typical)

If your developers are fully converted to using pnpm, then they'll likely perform workflows like adding new dependencies by running the pnpm tool in the source directory outside of Bazel. This results in updates to the pnpm-lock.yaml file, and then Bazel naturally finds those updates next time it reads the file.


During a migration, you may have a legacy lockfile from another package manager. You can use the update_pnpm_lock attribute of npm_translate_lock to have Bazel manage the pnpm-lock.yaml file for you. You might also choose this mode if you want changes like additions to package.json to be automatically reflected in the lockfile, unlike a typical frontend developer workflow.

Use of update_pnpm_lock requires the data attribute be used as well. This should include the pnpm-workspace.yaml file as well as all package.json files in the pnpm workspace. The pnpm lock file update will fail if data is missing any files required to run pnpm install --lockfile-only or pnpm import.

To list all local package.json files that pnpm needs to read, you can run pnpm recursive ls --depth -1 --porcelain.

A .aspect/rules/external_repository_action_cache/npm_translate_lock_<hash> file will be created and used to determine when the pnpm-lock.yaml file should be updated. This file should be checked into the source control along with the pnpm-lock.yaml file.

When the pnpm-lock.yaml file needs updating, npm_translate_lock will automatically:

  • run pnpm import if there is a npm_package_lock or yarn_lock attribute specified.
  • run pnpm install --lockfile-only otherwise.

To update the pnpm-lock.yaml file manually, either

  • install pnpm and run pnpm install --lockfile-only or pnpm import
  • use the Bazel-managed pnpm by running bazel run -- @pnpm//:pnpm --dir $PWD install --lockfile-only or bazel run -- @pnpm//:pnpm --dir $PWD import

If the ASPECT_RULES_JS_FROZEN_PNPM_LOCK environment variable is set and update_pnpm_lock is True, the build will fail if the pnpm lock file needs updating. It is recommended to set this environment variable on CI when update_pnpm_lock is True.

Working with packages


You can apply patches to packages you fetch remotely such as from npm. Use the patches and patch_args attributes of npm_translate_lock. These are designed to be similar to the same-named attributes of http_archive.

Paths in patch files must be relative to the root of the package. If the version is left out of the package name, the patch will be applied to every version of the npm package.

patch_args defaults to -p0, but -p1 will usually be needed for patches generated by git.

In case multiple entries in patches match, the list of patches are additive. (More specific matches are appended to previous matches.) However if multiple entries in patch_args match, then the more specific name matches take precedence.

For example,

npm_translate_lock (
    patches = {
        "@foo/bar": ["//:patches/foo+bar.patch"],
        "fum@0.0.1": ["//:patches/fum@0.0.1.patch"],
    patch_args = {
        "*": ["-p1"]
        "@foo/bar": ["-p0"]
        "fum@0.0.1": ["-p2"]


npm packages have "lifecycle scripts" such as postinstall which are documented here:

We refer to these as "lifecycle hooks".

You can disable this feature completely by setting all packages to have no hooks, using lifecycle_hooks = { "*": [] } in npm_translate_lock.

Because rules_js models the execution of these hooks as build actions, rather than repository rules, the result can be stored in the remote cache and shared between developers. Typically these actions are not run in Bazel's action sandbox because of the overhead of setting up and tearing down the sandboxes.

In addition to sandboxing, Bazel supports other execution_requirements for actions, in the attribute of You can have control over these using the lifecycle_hooks_execution_requirements attribute of npm_translate_lock.

Some hooks may fail to run under rules_js, and you don't care to run them. You can use the lifecycle_hooks_exclude attribute of npm_translate_lock to turn them off for a package, which is equivalent to setting the lifecycle_hooks to an empty list for that package.

You can set environment variables for hook build actions using the lifecycle_hooks_envs attribute of npm_translate_lock.

In case there are multiple matches, some attributes are additive. (More specific matches are appended to previous matches.) Other attributes have specificity: the most specific match wins and the others are ignored.

attribute behavior
lifecycle_hooks specificity
lifecycle_hooks_envs additive
lifecycle_hooks_execution_requirements specificity

Here's a complete example of managing lifecycles:

    lifecycle_hooks = {
        # These three values are the default if lifecycle_hooks was absent
        # do not sort
        "*": [
        # This package comes from a git url so prepare has to run to compile some things
        "@kubernetes/client-node": ["prepare"],
        # Disable install and preinstall for this package, maybe they are broken
        "fum@0.0.1": ["postinstall"],
    lifecycle_hooks_envs: {
        # Set some values for all hook actions
        "*": [
        # ... but override for this package
        "@foo/bar": [
    lifecycle_hooks_execution_requirements = {
        # This is the default if lifecycle_hooks_execution_requirements was absent
        "*":         ["no-sandbox"],
        # Omit no-sandbox for this package, maybe it relies on sandboxing to succeed
        "@foo/bar":  [],
        # This one is broken in remote execution for whatever reason
        "fum@0.0.1": ["no-sandbox", "no-remote-exec"],

In this example:

  • Only the prepare lifecycle hook will be run for the @kubernetes/client-node npm package, only the postinstall will be run for fum at version 0.0.1, and the default hooks are run for remaining packages.
  • @foo/bar lifecycle hooks will run with Bazel's sandbox enabled, with an effective environment:
    • GLOBAL_KEY1=value1
    • GLOBAL_KEY2=
    • PREBULT_BINARY=http://downloadurl
  • fum at version 0.0.1 has remote execution disabled. Like other packages aside from @foo/bar the action sandbox is disabled for performance.

Checked-in repositories.bzl

This usage is experimental and difficult to get right! Read on with caution.

You can check in the repositories.bzl file to version control, and load that instead.

This makes it easier to ship a ruleset that has its own npm dependencies, as users don't have to install those dependencies. It also avoids eager-evaluation of npm_translate_lock for builds that don't need it. This is similar to the update-repos approach from bazel-gazelle.

The tradeoffs are similar to this rules_python thread.

In a BUILD file, use a rule like write_source_files to copy the generated file to the repo and test that it stays updated:

    name = "update_repos",
    files = {
        "repositories.bzl": "@npm//:repositories.bzl",

Then in WORKSPACE, load from that checked-in copy or instruct your users to do so.