Runs a binary as a build action. This rule does not require Bash (unlike native.genrule()).

This fork of bazel-skylib's run_binary adds directory output support and better makevar expansions.

Macros and Functions


Runs a binary as a build action.

This rule does not require Bash (unlike native.genrule).

Example usage (generated)

load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:run_binary.bzl", "run_binary")

    # The target name
    name = "",
    # The tool to run in the action
    tool = None,


The target name


The tool to run in the action.

Must be the label of a *_binary rule of a rule that generates an executable file, or of a file that can be executed as a subprocess (e.g. an .exe or .bat file on Windows or a binary with executable permission on Linux). This label is available for $(location) expansion in args and env.


Additional inputs of the action.

These labels are available for $(location) expansion in args and env.


Command line arguments of the binary.

Subject to $(location) and makevar expansions.


Environment variables of the action.

Subject to $(location) and makevar expansions.


Output files generated by the action.

These labels are available for $(location) expansion in args and env.

Output files cannot be nested within output directories in out_dirs.


Output directories generated by the action.

These labels are not available for $(location) expansion in args and env sincew they are not pre-declared labels created via attr.output_list(). Output directories are declared instead by ctx.actions.declare_directory.

Output directories cannot be nested within other output directories in out_dirs.


A one-word description of the action, for example, CppCompile or GoLink.


Progress message to show to the user during the build, for example, "Compiling to create foo.o". The message may contain %{label}, %{input}, or %{output} patterns, which are substituted with label string, first input, or output's path, respectively. Prefer to use patterns instead of static strings, because the former are more efficient.


Information for scheduling the action.

For example,

execution_requirements = {
    "no-cache": "1",

See for useful keys.


If set to True then an output directory named the same as the target name is added to out_dirs.

Deprecated. For backward compatability with @aspect_bazel_lib 1.x. Use out_dirs instead.


Additional arguments